The five enemies of personal savings

The five enemies of personal savings.

Enemy No. 1 - inflation. 100 now and five years ago - different money. To save the nest egg from rising prices will help a Bank Deposit. If inflation does not cover, then at least reduce losses.

Enemy No. 2 - devaluation. The ruble depends on what happens in the global economy. More precisely, one factor - oil prices. To protect themselves from depreciation, you need the money to be placed in dollars and euros. They all depreciate can't. If savings are kept in different currencies, you maintain the status quo.

Enemy No. 3 - speculation. Namely, the desire to profit. Do not try to earn on fluctuations of the dollar, gold, or shares of large companies. It's almost always a lottery, the future we can't predict. Keep the money in different financial instruments right. But to store it, and not to play.

Enemy No. 4 - thieves. To keep their savings under the pillow or in the toilet tank is too antiquated method. Percent brings, and even Rob can. At home it is best to keep one to two monthly salaries. All the rest is in the Bank.

Enemy No. 5 - yourself. Priceless ruble-roller and the ILO. Someone too lazy to walk to the Bank and open the Deposit. Someone funneling money through your fingers. And someone thinks a boring lay a few thousand a month and dreaming about millions falling from the sky. Stop being lazy, to squander and to dream. There is a purpose? It's time to create a financial plan and execute it!
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